A Student Council is a representative structure through which students in a post-primary school can become involved in the affairs of the school, working in partnership with school management and staff and parents for the benefit of the school and its students (Education Act, 1998).
The Student Council of Kingswood Community College consists of 12 students, with each year group having two representatives. Elections take place annually during the 2nd & 3rd week of September. Students can nominate themselves or be nominated by their peers. They must prepare an election speech to deliver to their year group.
The student council have regular meetings to discuss student issues which are brought to their attention from class representatives or from teachers or senior leadership team. The student council looks at these items in detail and discuss ways in which action can be taken on them. Meetings take place between the Student Council and other members of the school community to try to address concerns among the student body and improve school life. They are also consulted by staff and management on policy changes or reviews and provide the students with a voice on these matters. Updates from the student council are posted regularly on the newly updated student council notice board in the library.
Student Council Members 2022/2023:
1st Year:
2nd Year:
3rd Year:
4th Year:
5th Year:
6th Year:
The Student Council has responsibility for:
- Working with the staff, Board of Management and Parents Association in the school;
- Communicating and consulting with all of the students in the school; – Involving as many students as possible in the activities of the Council;
- Planning and managing the Council’s programme of activities for the year;
- Managing and accounting to the student council and Board of Management, for any funds raised by the Council.
The Student Council can be involved in many activities in the school.
Here is a sample of some Student Council activities:
- Liaising with the Principal and Board of Management on issues of concern to students;
- Communication and co-operation with school staff;
- Working with Parents Association in school;
- Co-operating with Senior Leadership Team and staff on the development of school rules and regulations;
- Be involved in developing the curriculum in your school;
- Involvement in School Planning;
- Having a say in school policies e.g. anti-bullying policy;
- Making suggestions about improving school facilities;
- Links with other schools;
- Getting involved with the community;
- Mentoring programmes for younger students;
- Student Award ceremonies.
There are many more activities which a Student Council can be involved in.
Contact your Student Council with suggestions or requests here: