Coláiste Pobail Coill an Rí
Kingswood Community College

Principal's Welcome

A very warm welcome to the Kingswood Community College website, it is with great excitement and anticipation that I, as Principal, welcome prospective students to our school. There is an old Chinese proverb that states, ‘Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself”. I invite you, through this website to enter the world of Kingswood Community College.

At Kingswood Community College we aim to create a centre of excellence in education with high academic standards and high expectations, whilst fostering the emotional intelligences and talents of all students.

Kingswood Community College is a school where all students are valued and respected; a welcoming, happy, caring, secure and challenging environment in which every student is able to develop to his or her full potential. A place where all students are taught how to think rather than what to think; an environment where students can ask questions and question answers freely.

At Kingswood Community College we celebrate our student’s successes; set challenging targets and provides excellent support. But most of all, we ensure that our students will get the best opportunities to learn, with lessons that are well organised and designed to be active as well as demanding. We encourage and challenge our students to succeed to be the best they can be. It is our aim that all of our graduates will leave with skills, knowledge and qualifications that will be useful, productive and will carry them to new levels of learning. We hope that they will be enriched by our ethos of kindness and respect and that it will serve them throughout life.

Our teachers operate on a very simple premise in Kingswood Community College-‘Docendo Discimus’ (by teaching we learn). We will learn as much from all of you as you will from us and together we will achieve great things, academically in the classrooms, on the sport’s field, in the debating chamber, and in the music rooms. We will make good guides if you allow us to.

In Kingswood Community College, friendships are made, unbreakable bonds are formed and the exciting world of knowledge, success and endeavour is open for you. Have no fears about Secondary School, it is a time to be embraced, and enjoyed. You will progress through the years and leave as bright, confident, happy people.

That is indeed my wish for you and I hope we can accomplish that goal together.

Deborah Dunne | Príomhoide

Mar 26
Musical Performance- Grease
Mar 31
Anti-Bullying Week
Apr 01
5th year Français trip to IFI
Apr 01
Luas Talk
Kingswood Avenue, Kingswood, Dublin, D24HYN2
01 451 7400
© 2025 Coláiste Pobail Coill an Rí