Coláiste Pobail Coill an Rí
Kingswood Community College

Transition Year

Transition Year


TY is a one year programme providing a crucial bridge to help pupils make the transition from the highly-structured environment of Junior Cycle (1st to 3rd Year), to one where they will take greater responsibility for their own learning and decision making at Senior Cycle (5th & 6th Year). Transition Year in Kingswood Community College is an optional programme.


TY gives students the time and space to mature, develop self-confidence and grow in independence. Students engage in the world of work and have opportunities to develop personal and social skills through a range of experiences which are designed to challenge students beyond the boundaries of the traditional classroom. Students are encouraged to forge new links and nurture new interests within the school community, the broader community and in society. TY is about personal development, embracing new challenges and looking ahead to the future.


In Kingswood community college we offer our students a wide range of subjects in Transition Year.

Core subjects are studied all year round. These include: English, Irish, Maths, Modern Foreign Language (Spanish or French), PE, Lifeskills, ICT, SPHE, RSE, Guidance.

Whole Year Enrichment Course include (Choose 1):

  • Speech/Drama
  • Production & Design
  • Music
  • Business

Enrichment Rotations include:

  • Gym & Japanese (10 weeks)
  • Chinese & Computational Thinking (10 weeks)
  • Localise Volunteering (10 weeks)

Taster Modules include:

  • Accounting
  • Chemistry
  • Film/Music
  • Holocaust Studies
  • Physics
  • True/Crime
  • Agricultural Science
  • Ethics
  • Car Maintenance
  • Social Justice
  • Biology
  • Upcycling (Art)
  • Political Science
  • Spatial Awareness
  • Financial Literacy
  • Marine Scene
  • Tourism Studies
  • Road Safety
  • Media Studies

The range of subjects on offer seeks to strike a balance between TY-specific areas and subject sampling with a view to helping the students make informed decisions about their subject choice for Senior Cycle.


Work Experience – students arrange and complete Work Experience for two weeks during the year in areas relevant to their own interests and ambitions. Students can decide to complete 2 weeks in the one placement or split their 2-weeks into two different placement experiences. Special Leave can be granted to students for placements outside of the scheduled two weeks in certain circumstances.

Throughout the year, as extensions of the curriculum, students engage in a variety of development opportunities in areas such as First Aid, Self-Defence, wellbeing workshops and field trips.

Throughout the year, students are encouraged to maximise the potential of TY for engaging with extra-curricular activities, including: Gaisce (The President’s Award), Concern Debating, Tenderfoot, Subsounds, School Musical etc. and the range of sporting and extra-curricular activities on offer in the school.


Throughout the year, students earn credits for effort and participation in all aspects of TY (subject work, extra-curricular involvement, Work Experience, etc.). Throughout the year TY, students will complete their ePortfolio and a TY interview, gaining further credits for their efforts. Credits accumulate to determine the level of certification awarded on TY End of Year Celebration in May (Distinction, Merit, Credit, Pass). This latter phase of TY is an affirming process which highlights all the work and personal development that has been undertaken in TY, underscoring the competencies that have been harnessed by each student for Senior Cycle. Coupled with Career Guidance, this sets our students up to embrace the challenges of 5th Year well-equipped with a repertoire of skills and self-knowledge.

Oct 18
Calendar Test
Oct 20
Whole School Academic Awards
Oct 22
6th Year Trip Irish Café
Oct 28
Mid Term Break
Kingswood Avenue, Kingswood, Dublin, D24HYN2
01 451 7400
© 2024 Coláiste Pobail Coill an Rí