Coláiste Pobail Coill an Rí
Kingswood Community College

Email to Parents 08/01/21


Dear Parent/Guardian,

As you are aware, schooling will move online from Monday 11th January 2021. All students will log onto their lessons as per their normal timetable every day starting at 8.15am(9am on Tuesday mornings). * Please note, that due to an online staff meeting on Monday 11th January, online classes will not commence until 10.15am with the lesson that students would normally have at this time.

Please read the following e mail carefully. It is quite lengthy but contains a lot of important and necessary information at this time.

  1. We urge all parents and students to familiarise themselves with the Distance Learning policy on our website. This can be found by going into the ‘About us’ tab, then ‘Policies’ In the policy, we would particularly like to draw your attention to the following;
  • Parents should ensure that your child is attending all classes and logging in to their Schoology courses for each class and completing assigned work. The school will forward a text message to inform parents/guardians if their child is not logged on. This is for parent/guardian information only and is not forwarded to Túsla.
  • Students can contact their teachers directly through their schoology courses if they have a question/issue. If a parent wants to contact a teacher, tutor, year head or any member of staff this should be done through with the name of the staff member in the subject bar.
  • COVID19 0 points for remote learning will be used on vsware.
  • Students will not be assigned homework while remote learning is taking place. However, 5th year students may be required to do additional work as homework. Gaeilge, English, Maths, Business, Spanish and French will have additional work during Week 1 and all other examinable subjects during week 2. This will rotate for the duration of remote learning.
  • SNA’s will make contact with any student with an additional educational need through schoology and students are expected to respond to this communication.
  • This is the link to the trouble shooting document on our website should any student have issues with schoology.
  • If a student is contacted by the tutor/Year Head about any issue, they are obliged to respond to this communication.
  • Students must always be civil and respectful to teachers and fellow students as they would be in a face-to-face classroom. This is a crucial element of our distance learning policy and must be always adhered to.

  1. On Tuesday 12th January, the last class will be suspended for all 3rd and 5th year students. This is to facilitate students who may wish to come into the school to empty their lockers. This will be facilitated between 2.30pm and 4.30pm on this day only. Students will be required to sign in for contact tracing purposes.

  1. 3rd and 5th year students who need equipment and paper for TG can also collect this between the times above. The TG teachers will be in contact with students through schoology about this.

  1. 5th year Rang Taylor are also asked to collect keyboards from the school between these times on Tuesday 12th January for their ICT module.

  1. TY and LCA work experience that was scheduled for February is now on hold and will be dependent on public health advice closer to the time.

  1. Parents are strongly advised to contact Wriggle directly when learners are on remote learning and have an issue with their device. They should contact Wriggle in relation to access/issues with apps or technical queries such as charging, battery issues or anything else that might arise with their device. Parents should not contact the school in relation to these issues. Click link here to access the portal Contact Us | Wriggle Learning to submit a query, email or call on 01 500 9060. This information will also be placed on the school website.

  1. 1st Year students chose their subject option preferences before Christmas. They will be informed this week of their subject options and classes in these will commence on Monday 18th January. Students will remain on their current timetables until then.

  1. 5th year parents-please see information below. This information was shared with 5th year students earlier this week. HEAR and DARE information webinars are taking place on Saturday 9th January. The webinars will explain the application process and there will also be an opportunity to ask questions. Please attend this online zoom session and research information provided. To attend online you MUST register at and

We appreciate this is a very challenging time for all, and we are working hard to support our students while they learn remotely. This is a new experience for 1st year students and students who transferred to our school this year. If things do not run smoothly for a student, please do not hesitate to contact the relevant teacher/tutor/year head and will work with you to rectify the issue or problem.

We will communicate regularly with parents over the next number of weeks. At this time, we would like to draw your attention to Appendix 3 of the Distance Learning Policy. We are all in unprecedented times, and our primary focus is on the education and wellbeing of our school community. We are grateful for your support and cooperation with this.

Stay safe

Deborah and Mary

Mar 18
School Closed (OIDE Training for Teachers)
Mar 20
1st Year parent Student Teacher Meeting
Mar 26
Musical Performance
Mar 31
Anti-Bullying Week
Kingswood Avenue, Kingswood, Dublin, D24HYN2
01 451 7400
© 2025 Coláiste Pobail Coill an Rí