Coláiste Pobail Coill an Rí
Kingswood Community College

Email to Parents 03/12/21


Dear Parent/Guardian,

We hope this email finds you well in the busy run up to the festive season. Please see below some important updates for the coming weeks.

1st year Online Learning Training Thursday 9th December:

To prepare first year students for a potential school closure, they have recieved instruction on learning online during their Assessment week. In order to ensure all students are confident in accessing Schoology and using the conferencing tool, first years wil be released from school at lunch 11:13am on Thursday 9th December 2021. First years will go home and log on to their first class at the delayed start time of 12:15pm. (This is to allow students time to walk home and get their lunch). Timetabled lessons will continue until the end of the school day online. Any problems students encounter should be noted and will be dealt with in school on Friday.

Parent Association Christmas Raffle!

The Kingswood Community College Parents Association will hold their annual Christmas Raffle this December. Tickets will be on sale next week. The big draw takes place on Tuesday 21st December 21. If any parent/guardian or local business would like to donate Raffle Prizes to this great cause please drop them into reception or contact for more information. All students will be issued with a book of tickets. Ticket stubs and cash can be returned to the box in the front office.

Mental Health Supports.

We are pleased to inform you that an updated mental health support leaflet for children and young people is now available. This leaflet was initially launched last year and circulated to 4,000 schools around the country.

This leaflet will raise awareness, signpost and provide details of several HSE funded national organisations that provide various mental health supports and services to children, young people and their families around the country.

Details of these services and more are also available on or by calling 1800 111 888. Please see attachment below.

Anti- Bullying Webinar: DCU Anti-Bullying Centre FUSE team.

Dublin City University Anti-Bullying Centre FUSE team will be hosting a FREE parents webinar for all FUSE participating schools of which we are one.

This will take place on Tuesday, December 14th from 7 pm to 8 pm. If you would like to attend this session please see link below.

You can register by clicking the image below or by using this link:


As part of the pastoral care programme, we are very pleased to be able to provide support for pupils from 1st – Transition Year who may have experienced a bereavement or family change following parental separation, through the introduction of the Rainbows programmes. Please see attached letter and expression of interest form below.

We would remind all parents to check VSWare and to sign and write points into the school journal weekly. We continue to keep our school as safe as possible. All students should bring their own mask and have a spare mask in their bag. As the weather is turning chilly, heating is on and windows are open for ventilation. We would encourage students to layer up under their shirt or blouse, no hoods are permitted. Students may wear their school coat throughout the day.

We wish you all a lovely weekend.

Kind regards

Deborah, Mary and Emma.

Rainbows Form

Mental Health Supports

Distance Learning Guidelines and Support

Mar 18
School Closed (OIDE Training for Teachers)
Mar 20
1st Year parent Student Teacher Meeting
Mar 26
Musical Performance
Mar 31
Anti-Bullying Week
Kingswood Avenue, Kingswood, Dublin, D24HYN2
01 451 7400
© 2025 Coláiste Pobail Coill an Rí